Monday 28 May 2007

Woofy Westside

What a day. Nice to be home. I had so much to do. First I had to cuddle mummy this morning because it had been at least 10 hours since she last cuddled me. Then I spent most of the morning trying to get daddy out of bed. He was pretending to be tired after that festival thing they spent the weekend at. I finally got him out of bed and got him to take me for a walk. We went to the west side of Inverness. It can be a bit rough there but I have their respect.

Disaster struck when we got home because daddy realised there was no woofy food in the house so I made him share his lunch with me.

They went for food so now I have some lovely chicken, beef and lamb to choose from. I love chicken...chicken cake in particular...or pussy cat pate on toast....yum yum in my woofy tum tum.

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