Tuesday 17 July 2007

Dogs and dates

I had a great weekend in Achiltibuie. Not only did I learn how to escape from the garden and roll in sheep poo but I also got to chase wildlife and met a lovely dog next door. Mummy was so pleased.

I spent a lot of time chasing the birds in the garden which has a great view too...

Sunday 8 July 2007

Westie is the bestie

I have had a very exciting and exhausting weekend. I have been trying to be other animals this weekend. I was watching a Harry Potter film with my mummy and we watched a dragon hatching. I decided that I wanted to try to be a dragon. I like the idea of breathing fire and being able to fly. Mummy thought I would look super cute as a dragon and daddy says I look like something called the 'luck' dragon from the never ending story. Either way I was hoping my wings would grow overnight.

I was a bit disappointed when I woke up because nothing had changed. Maybe it was because I spent all night curled up on mummy and daddys bed so didn't get much sleep. They take up so much space. Hardly any room for a Woofy.

So today I decided maybe to stop trying to be a dragon and instead mummy thought I should try to be a fish. We were walking on the islands in Inverness and mummy tried to teach me to swim in some shallow water. I did not like it. I did not. Woofys are not meant to be fish.

I could try to be a dragon again but mummy says she loves me the way I am. Maybe I'll stay a westie for a bit longer. But now I'm a sleepy westie....

Monday 2 July 2007

New friend

I made a new friend today. I mean, thats not really news since I make new friends all the time but there was this nice kid I met while walking and he really liked me. Turns out his dad doesn't want him to get a pet. Something against hairy creatures but this kid really liked me. Wants to walk me all the time and play with me. I was really tired and we played around but I needed a sleep. Anyway, turns out mummy was a bit jealous and doesn't want anyone else walking me. I don't blame her. I am super cute.

Had a great day. I have new food bowls. They are pink and spotty. I like pink...almost as much as chicken cake!